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About PagePal

PagePal is an online PDF reader that helps you strengthen your critical reading skills. With PagePal, you can:

  • Track your reading goals for each class

  • Get personalized, guided reading questions

  • Highlight and annotate your readings 

  • Create a glossary of terms

  • Set a timer for breaks on longer readings

  • Compile all of your readings notes in a notes library

Meet The Team


Andrea Melendez

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Marina Shallcross

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Yueming Wang

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I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.


We are current graduate students from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in their Master's in Educational Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (MEITE). We are passionate about design thinking and finding creative solutions for pervasive problems in education and were able to put these skills to use in our Design of Emerging Technologies course this semester. At the heart of our work is an interest in improving students' abilities and attitudes toward reading and writing, as they are pivotal skills for creativity and critical thinking. We created PagePal in an effort to make university students eager to complete their course readings through thoughtful engagement and strategies for focus. We hope that you enjoy our PagePal prototype!

Image by Colin Rowley
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